Originally from thegatewaypundit.com

🔥 LETITIA JAMES: Is This EXPLOSIVE Mortgage Fraud Scandal the END for Her? ... (Where's the Accountability?)

March 18, 2025
🔥 LETITIA JAMES: Is This EXPLOSIVE Mortgage Fraud Scandal the END for Her? ... (Where's the Accountability?)
THIS IS OUTRAGEOUS! Letitia James, the very one who has spent years prosecuting others, turns out to be nothing but a FRAUD in her own right! For TWO DECADES, she claimed her property had FOUR UNITS instead of FIVE, securing loans that saved her a FORTUNE! 🇺🇸 How is that not mortgage fraud? The LEFT loves to paint themselves as the champions of justice, but here we see their hypocrisy laid bare! We MUST hold her accountable just like she holds others accountable! This is the same kind of judicial BATTERY we saw during the Clinton years – for them, the rules are only for the little people! 💪

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