Originally from minuteman.news


February 11, 2025

Elite consulting firms promise young talent prestige and impact, but the reality is a cycle of corporate busywork that stifles ambition and props up ideological fads. DEI™ isn’t just a movement—it’s a business model. It’s time to break free and build something real.

Stop and read this article titled "Why I Left Management Consulting to Build America’s Future".

Halberstadt shines a light on how star students with high hopes end up in jobs of drudgery, twiddling dashboards and slide decks to support initiatives that create hate, division, and are largely contrary to the values of the real American people.

This isn't a case of malice. It's misaligned incentives. Over-achievers seek things to achieve. Ace the test. Ace the class. Finish at the top of your class. Get into the good college. Get the selective job. Get the next promotion. Make the next deal. Am I doing a good job?

Leaning into the achievement feedback loop and letting validation from others be the compass of where your life goes lets you opt out of reasoning and reflecting on why you do the things you do. I suspect that's why DEI and woke-ness took such a chokehold on the country. Consulting firms discovered a problem that they could teach you about. They could also train you on how to fix it. And when it doesn't work out, you can hire them to help get things back on track. They make lots of money, high achievers see the money, "success", and run to it.

Talent has been hijacked. Ambition suffocated. The American spirit, chained to a desk, tackles problems to serve short term corporate goals and forgets about the big picture. Equal opportunity is good. Diversity is good. Inclusion is good. But DEI TM is a problem created by consultants for consultants to fix.

This article made me feel excited again. There was a shift in the air last November. A long-closed door has reopened. America can be great again. America IS great. We can harness the energy this country was founded on and direct it towards our future. We can take big risks and do great things because we have something to do it for. Our neighbor, our friends, our countrymen. Do you feel it?

If you're older, closer to the end of your professional journey than the beginning, know not all of the younger generation wants to throw away the beautiful country we've built over 248 years. If you're still early in your working years, your time is now. The world can be better - you know it. Stop waiting for permission. Go build it.

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