Originally from hotair.com
TRUMP'S TAX REVOLUTION! 💰 DITCHING INCOME TAX for Earnings Under $150K? (Is This the Change We NEED?)...
March 23, 2025

WOOHOO! Finally, TRUMP is stepping up to ditch the income tax for earnings under $150K! 💪 This is a MAJOR win for the hard-working AMERICANS who are busting their butts every day. The left can’t stand that regular folks could KEEP MORE of their HARD-EARNED CASH instead of sending it to the government’s BLACK HOLE! Let’s remember, THIS IS HOW WE GET BACK TO AN AMERICA THAT PUTS ITS PEOPLE FIRST! Remember when Reagan slashed taxes and revitalized the economy? We need that kind of thinking NOW more than ever! 🇺🇸 Time to END the left's tax tyranny!