Originally from thegatewaypundit.com

🌍 U.S. MILITARY Exercises in EUROPE ENDING? (Is OUR National Security at RISK?)...

March 9, 2025
🌍 U.S. MILITARY Exercises in EUROPE ENDING? (Is OUR National Security at RISK?)...
πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ This is a CRITICAL moment for America's position on the world stage! The LIBS are celebrating this potential military retreat, but they FAIL to realize the historic consequences. ⚑️ "America first" means we must prioritize our interests and not be the world’s police! We MUST stand firm in see-through alliances like NATO, and not falter on our commitments to allies! This is a slippery slope leading us straight back to pre-WWII isolationism! If we withdraw, we leave our allies vulnerable and embolden our enemies! The U.S. military is NOT just an afterthought! πŸ’ͺ Stand up, America! #StayStrong #DefendTheWest

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