CBS News just admitted what Democrats and the media refuse to accept—Donald Trump is more popular than ever. His job approval is climbing, his policies have widespread support, and Americans are responding to a president who actually keeps his promises. No wonder the media is in meltdown mode.
Oh, how the mighty media have fallen. CBS News, one of the usual suspects in the establishment’s anti-Trump brigade, just had to choke out a painful admission: Donald Trump is more popular than ever. And it’s not just a fluke—his job approval, his policy positions, and his leadership are all resonating with the American people. In other words, everything the media and Democrats have been screaming about for weeks has backfired spectacularly.
Let’s break it down. CBS’ own pollster, Anthony Salvato, let it slip—Trump’s popularity isn’t just about style, it’s about substance. He’s doing what he said he would do. Imagine that! After years of empty promises from career politicians, America is seeing what real leadership looks like, and they like it. His policies on border security, illegal immigration, government spending, and foreign aid are hitting the mark with voters, and the numbers prove it. Deporting illegal immigrants? 59% approval. Sending troops to secure the border? 64%. Cutting bloated government programs? Overwhelming support. Meanwhile, Democrats and their media allies are howling into the void, totally out of touch with what the American people actually want.
And let’s not ignore the real elephant in the room—energy. The past four years were run by a lifeless puppet president, propped up by a team of shadowy bureaucrats and party insiders who did everything but lead. Now, Trump is back, and suddenly the American people remember what a functioning executive branch looks like. He’s decisive, engaged, and not afraid to shake things up. That’s why his numbers are rising, and that’s why the left is terrified.
This isn’t just a poll—it’s a warning shot. The Democrats and their media lapdogs spent years trying to gaslight America into thinking Trump was an outlier, a mistake, an aberration. But the people have spoken. They want strength, action, and a leader who delivers. And the media? They’re left sputtering in disbelief, wondering how their carefully constructed narrative just collapsed. Welcome to reality.